Alex Gibson
Fixing Update Stuck on Initializing Error in Destiny 2 Explained
Run the Blizzard App with the Run as Administrator option. Delete these Blizzard App files here and here. Run the computer in a selective startup mode. Power cycle the network equipment and flush the DNS. Run a full scan of the computer with a security program. Security programs can cause this to occur. Temporarily disable any security program. Go to your task manager and end the battle net updater. Let the updater restart and try again.
Alternatively, a user on Reddit described a solution they found that many others confirmed as successful. Follow these steps:
Close Go into your folder [wherever you have it installed.] Copy the destiny folder with all of the data you downloaded and move it to your desktop or somewhere safe. Open and start the download again, which should start over from 0% once it begins downloading data and displays a percentage and network speed close battlenet. Do not pause the download. Simply close it and make sure you end all Blizzard processes. Now go back into your folder, delete the new Destiny 2 folder that was just made, and replace it with the original one you moved to your desktop. Start and it should start downloading again where you left off.
That’s all the information we have for how to fix the update stuck on initializing error when downloading new content such as Destiny 2’s latest Season of the Seraph. For more useful tips and guides on the game, check out Twinfinite’s substantial wiki page.