Jake Su
Magik Demon Child Challenge in Midnight Suns
Before you even think about diving in, the first thing to do is to make friends with Magik. Once you have established a rapport with Friendship Level hitting the max of five, only then can you attempt to do the challenge. Success will earn you the Legendary Darkchylde ability and her Midnight Suns suit. Magik’s challenge offers a different kind of experience, tasking players to not just defeat the Incarnation of Memory to get the card, but also to use it to survive the final assault. You will need to use the Infinite Card Plays with no Redraws or Moves, and get everything done within your turn. Here’s how: Instead of delivering penance to your enemies, Magik’s Darkchylde ability is the ultimate team save. With it, you can make sure a turn goes by without anyone getting hurt, setting things up for later and giving your more time to take a breath. With that, you have all the steps needed to complete the Magik challenge, Demon Child, in Marvel’s Midnight Suns. If you find yourself needing more assistance, do head below for more related content, or search Twinfinite to find the answers you seek.
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