This feature is still in the browser test version and will work as a text just above the page. In it, when Chrome detects that too much data has been downloaded, the warning will show how much internet was used to access the content. The feature also allows the user to define how much internet is too much internet, which changes from plan to plan.
It is too early to say when the alert will be embedded in the browser and whether it will be taken to Chrome on smartphones where it makes more sense. Thinking about this kind of fixed broadband control is still not as important, but it can turn out to be a savior of the motherland if carriers can push their boundaries on this type of connection – which they are forcing Anatel to release. A very interesting purpose even for India’s current unlimited broadband internet market, is the page with something hidden being downloaded. The alert allows the download to stop, similar to the browser’s “stop” button. To test the feature, you need to have the latest version of the Canary version of Chrome, and enter the following URL in the address field: chrome://flags/#enable-heavy-page-capping. This URL does not have any function in the stable version and released for download by Google. It’s worth remembering that, as we’ve already commented, Canary is a sandbox version of the Chrome beta. As with anything beta, there are risks of crashes and bugs that are still in the hands of developers for an immediate solution. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.