Call of Duty Mobile was the 3rd most downloaded mobile shooting game of 2019. In 2020, Battle Royale Games were at their peak. So, Call of duty also launched the PC battle royal game “Call of Duty: Warzone.” Warzone was also a big hit in PC Battle Royale Games. After this, Mobile gamers demanded the mobile version of Call of Duty: Warzone. Activision is planning the game, and it was officially confirmed last week. However, we got some Map leaks about New Verdansk.

Call of Duty: Warzone Would Feature ‘Verdansk’

The leak comes from @TheGhostOfHope, a source that had shared plenty of accurate information about the Call of Duty series before it became official. As such, though all leaks should be taken with a grain of salt, this particular leaker has a good enough track record that We can trust their claims. Intriguingly, while they say that Verdansk is coming back, they clarify that it will not be the same version of the map that was seen on consoles. Supposedly, Verdansk will be changing in some significant ways.

— Hope (@TheGhostOfHope) March 14, 2022 Another leaker, @just4leaks2, pointed out that the hiring image for Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile seemingly features the remixed Verdansk map.

— Shaun Weber (@just4leaks2) March 14, 2022 Both leaks claim that developers will make some changes in ‘Verdansk’ they will add some new areas, and the final map will be a mix of old and new maps. Insiders are claiming that Verdansk will be used excitingly. Since it may be some time before more official info is shared, for now, fans will have to rely on leaks and rumors like this.

Call of Duty  Warzone Mobile s Map Details Leaked - 89